Wednesday 3 October 2018

Unity tutorial 01

Hello! Welcome back!

This week we learned how to use game designing website, unity.

Here is a little guide to help beginners , like myself.

1.Instal Unity

2.Upgrade engine.

3.VERY IMPORTANT! Tick the platforms you want to use.

4.Click next and go through to the next stage.

5. Create a brand new project with project name and place you want to save it e.g. the desktop.

6. Make sure to click 3D button , and click create project!

7. You are now presented with the DEFAULT unity layout.

8. Over the left is the hierarchy. This is where we stop all of the information for the game objects within the scene in a text format of what we see in the scene view. Click on any of these pages in order to select an object in the scene.

9. Hold down right click on mouse to pan when dragging the scene view, left click to select and middle mouse wheel to zoom in and out of a scene view.

10.Now the game tab. Pressing the play button plays your game so far.

11. The right hand panel is the inspector panel where we store little settings we have for the game. Colour and editing is located here too.

12. The bottom tab is the project window where we store assets.

13. The animation tab. Use this for greater view go.

14: Hold down left mouse button to move 3D graphics made in animations.

15. NB: Set x and y axis to place a 3D object the side is should be.

16. To use materials , move by x and y axis but the object from 2D to 3D back to 3De.g. sphere.

17. How to change the terrain. Click platform, delete what don't need and go to 3D objects and to terrain. Click raise and lower terrain. Here paint tools occur and you have the chance to decorate your game. VERY IMPORTANT: Set radius height and width to 1000 x1000 at the very start before your terrain.

18. Save the scene by file, save scene, give it a name and save it. Done!

Next: Importing textures into unity: 

1. Create folder in the assets section.Name it textures.

2. Drag and drop textures you want into this folder.

!! Just a note: These textures do not act in the way you would think.You can apply them to a terrain , but not to a game object as said object needs to be converted to a material ...THEN.... onto a texture.-Dont worry about this now however. :) !!

Continuing on......

3. Assign a texture to a whole terrain by using the paint texture tool. Click on edit textures-texture- and drag and drop the texture you want into the edit textures folder.

4. You can change how metallic or non metallic it looks, size of tiling ( how much it duplicates over the terrain.)

5. Create a normal map. Click on a texture, gold control keyed press D. This duplicates your texture. Press F rename it to the original file name_n. The "n"is short for normal map.

6. With the "n" texture selected in the inspector panel , you can change the texture type to a normal map. Click apply.

7.Click the terrain ( make sure you are using the paint texture) , click edit textures and drag and drop this normal map into this option where it says "normal". Click, apply.

8.Re-enable directional light in the inspector panel to see the difference this made when zoomed in.

9.Density is created. The lighting and textures combine together to give a decent look to to the game. So, select this in normal map, grayscale , apply. It is changed real time again becoming evermore detailed.

10. To lower the terrain, use the paint height tool. This allows you to select a specific height for where the terrain is. 

11. Once set, to raise the terrain, click the left mouse button and drag upwards.

12. To lower the terrain, click the left mouse button and drag downwards.

13. Materials: Click , game object, 3-D object.

14. To create own materials you can click right click, create.

Lastly, environment and characters.

1. Firstly, adding a character. Right click on the assets window. Click import package to open the standard assets list.

2. Click on characters from the standard assets list. Click import on pop up window.

3. Once imported, click o standard assets , characters, first person controller, prefabs.

4. Drag and drop prefabs into scene.

5. Bring up slightly on y axis up from the terrain and turn off main camera in the hierarchy.

6. Use the keys "w,a,s,d," to walk around and shift to run.

7. Press shift to get back to the scene view.

8. Bringing in assets to decorate terrain. Go to the standard assets folder, and make a new folder named "Terrain assets". 

9. E.g. trees. Select edit trees.Change settings to what you prefer. Click and drop.

10. Add flow e.g. grass. Click edit, class flow

11. Objects. Insert and download as usual. Insert c# coding.

12. Open void start in visual studios.

13. Script opens.

14.Delete comments.

15. Delete void start.

16. Put in an integer.

17. Make a public folder for all of your stuff.

18. Type integer. (int).

19. Set rotate speed etc with C# code.

20. Mess around with the colour, textures etc.

21. Save script.

22. Drag and drop int assets folder.

23. Save and done!

                                     Gaming dog pic because apparently dogs can be gamers too

After watching through unity tutorials which we will be using to kick start game design in college, I would like to tell you what I have learned about unity.

I learned about the textures, how to set up a game , terrain , characters and enviornment along with lighting.

From my new found knowledge, I enjoyed knowing the little tricks to use in order to create really cool games. However I found it difficult to get my head around the coding this was my first time hearing about C# .This isn’t complicated though, it all just involves practice.

Over all I am really excited to make my own game using codes and scripts. I can show creativity and get better at coding at the same time.

Hope you can enjoy gaming as much as I hope I will too!

Till next time!

                                                                See you next time!!!!

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