Sunday, 3 February 2019

Multimedia Project Research

url-link to pic source

Hi everyone!

Welcome back to my blog!

This semester we will continue on our previous blogs but with a twist! We are making new projects! 

This semester I will be joining other people in the class to do a 1916 rising project. Our project is a 
RPG game set in the 1916 rising. It will be educational and allow you go to major 1916 rising buildings as a soldier or character that would be present back then. You learn about the 1916 rising as you go along.

There are many team members who will also have roles such as:
Leaders Chris: Project Manager - Creates reasonable and achievable goals for all team members. - Keeps in contact with each team-leader to maintain communication and make sure there is no confusion. - Contributes with Conor for the GDA to make sure the game is not obscured or changed. James: Designer - Keeps in contact with each team-leader. - Contributes to final decisions from team-leaders with Chris. - Collaborates with Chris and has the 2nd voice for all decisions made by Project Manager. - Creates grading system and keeps up with the workload and Marks team-members depending on their work done. Writers Ellen: Lead Writer - Always keeps in contact with James & Chris. - Refers to GDA to create a compelling and interesting story surrounding the 1916 rising. - Using historical research gathered by Niamh. Stay on topic and use locations, names and Stories that are historically correct. Niamh: Researcher - Assists Ellen on punctuation and story writing. - Keeps in contact with Ellen regarding the story and plot of the game. - Gathers evidence regarding the 1916 rising. Who was involved, what characters should they be and based on what facts? Nathan: GDA Creator Siobhan Lee: GDA Creator - Work with the writers and Chris to create a GDA to help out the rest of the teams. - Work with Ellen to find out the main story, names, characters etc. - Use the GDA online we used with shaun in semester Programmers Aidan: Lead Programmer - Always keeps in contact with James & Chris. - Creates achievable goals for the Junior Programmers. - Has the final say in programming sector. James & Chris will help with programming Music Team Eoin: Sound Effects - Create Authentic sounds for the game i.e Footsteps, breathing, voices etc. - Create Ambient sounds such as wind. Use different records and make it as realistic as possible. Trevor: Composer - Aid Eoin in all thing's music and sound. - Create ambient sounds and music related to the 1916 era and time. Study different music that was popular at that time and use it to create a Composition that can be used throughout the game Game Testers Shane: Game Tester - Always keeps in contact with James & Chris. - At the end of the week they will create a document using a template to say whats good, what’s bad and what needs to be changed. This way you’re not just testing the game and getting an easy mark. - Communicates with Everyone discussing what he thinks works and doesn’t work. Adam: Game Tester - Always keeps in contact with James & Chris. - At the end of the week they will create a document using a template to say whats good, what’s bad and what needs to be changed. This way you’re not just testing the game and getting an easy mark. - Communicates with Everyone discussing what he thinks works and doesn’t work. Art Team Leah Byrne: Lead Artist - Always keeps in contact with James & Chris. - Designs the 3D World using their own Assets & Designs or finding assets in the unity store. - In charge of everything regarding the artwork for the game. Conor Brennan: Graphic Designer - Always keeps in contact with James & Chris. - Work alongside the art team for criticism and oppinions. - Create Loading screens, Graphics for promotion such as Logo, Banners etc. - Be prepared to help out on creating textures and assets. Isabel: Asset Management - Always keeps in contact with James & Chris. - Communicating with Conor, Leah and Chloe. Find assets on the unity store that would benefit in world creation and mechanics of the game. - Take notes of every asset we use and may use in the future for easy finding among the teams. Chloe: Character Creator - Create Characters and NPC suitable for the Game - Use assets where necessary or create your own textures - Create multiple characters with distinct features i.e. Clothes, Models, Gender Daniel: Level Editor - Collaborate with Game testers to find mistakes in the level and make sure that it works properly - Make edits to the levels and world WITH PERMISSION FROM LEAH. And fix mistakes made by other artists. - Essentially your job is to make sure the level is playable and okay to use and fix any issue that may come to arise Media Team Ian: Media Management - Document the entirety of the process of game building - Work with each department separately, gathering information and footage - Create a “Behind 19Sixteen” video. David: Media Assistant - Collaborate with Ian to help out with gathering footage and editing videos. - Help out Ian in creating a suitable video to promote the game and highlight the idea of the game.

My role is the lead writer. I am to
- Always keeps in contact with James & Chris the project leaders. - Refer to GDA to create a compelling and interesting story surrounding the 1916 rising. - Using historical research gathered by Niamh I need to stay on topic and use locations, names and stories that are historically correct.

Inspiration links:




Talk soon!

Friday, 14 December 2018


Hello all!

This is the final week of my game! Its finally finished!

I am proud of myself as I have never done anything like this before. However, there are still a few bits I would like to fix. It is no where near as interactive as I would like it as I wanted the questions to be able to be answered and posed into a storage back pack. This just was impossible with the lack of knowledge I have currently. I accept that but and disappointed as the game looks so boring compared to what I wanted.

Now the positives! These are more important. Im okay (kind of) with the game not being 100% perfect as there is always room to learn after feedback. I now understand the codes and if errors appear I mostly know how to fix them! I don't spend hours and hours trying to sort a problem anymore I know the basics inside out and can only get more advanced at game making now. I think as college is a learning curve. I am proud of myself and hopefully I get a good grade.

Thanks for reading all my blogs!!!!!!

Sunday, 9 December 2018

Game Testing-MyGmae

My game in screen shots showing all 4 levels and the opening screen

Hello! This week I tested out my working game. It is so basic compared to what I wanted but in all fairness, I have NEVER done any type of game design before. This process has made me feel more comfortable at coding and to be honest I really enjoyed it!

There are a few bugs I have yet to fix but these are 100% doable for next week . Therefore, I think I can submit quite a cool game design! My game will be complete ( not very interesting compared to what I want it to be but I am still proud!)

Keep an eye out for next week when I will put up a screen recording of my working game I have been blogging about all these weeks.

Till then!!! See you soon!

Tuesday, 4 December 2018

Game Testing

Hello !

This week we are reviewing articles on how criticism ad testing can make us better designers.

Link 1: This book explains on how to give users a non digital basic version of your game first. This will one ensure they are not bogged down in the specifics. But mostly, it will make you now if your basic concept works or not.

Link 2: The article here explains how criticism is really good , however theres a way to do it. You cant offend some one or say something is crap and give no reason why or advice on how the can fix this. You need to tell them reasons and how to fix. e.g. A game seems boring, you need to explain how this will affect their audience and how they can fix this.

Link 3: I found this article about how to ask for criticism. Just like before this article explains that good criticism can allow you to figure out whats good or bad. But you need to know how to ask for it. Never ask opinions. Instead, pick out bits you are worried about so people can focus on these. This way you won't have your idea destroyed, you will have it fixed.

Thanks for reading!

Sunday, 2 December 2018


Pic of the first completed level

Hello everyone!

This post is all about my alpha game!

Its working perfectly ! You go along learn and answer a question at the end!

One thing is ive many errors I will need them fixed as if you press play it won't work.

Other then this my game is up and ready for testing!

I would prefer the writing to be on a sign but I couldn't figure out how to do this sadly. Maybe for the beta version I can fix this.

I found this work interesting. It was grand to do but even with following videos I would get errors (52 at one point!?!?) This is extremely frustrating as I have to read back and find I misspelled a word. It is satisfying however when things do work! I enjoy the whole process. Its interesting to see how code works in c# and the fact I made my own game! (even if its not perfect)

All my errors are gone now however, I will need to make my questions more legible and pop in clickable answers for the interactive feel I want in my game.

Till next time!!

Thursday, 29 November 2018

Unity Free Tutorials

Almost there!

Hello everyone!

This week I looked at even more youtube videos , here are 3 that really helped my in my game! How to set up my character ready to move. I set up colliders, a camera to follow them, first person controller script, move script and a camera follow script. This was all using this tutorial. It was really helpful but I needed to find another few videos to help me. really good video to help start up a game. Goes into depth on how to set the game up and the character itself. I found it super easy to follow this too. It was used to make my character move in a simple way. I also used this to set up the first person camera. I attached the camera to my character and it follows him around the world. choice questions and buttons. This helped me be able to make my game to completion.

Overview: A few bugs with the buttons I will need to get a bit of help but I am surprised and happy with my progress this week. In a week I made a fully functioning game. Yeah it was worked on for the whole semester but now I understand (mostly) what I am doing and things don't take half as long.

Lets see how it works out for this weekend before testing next week!

Monday, 26 November 2018

Games Stories



Welcome to this weeks blog post! This week I will write on articles I found helped me when making my game follow more of a story then a boring game of rules.

1. This article is all about making a story to back up your game. A game becomes more fun once there is a story behind it. For example , mythical games make you feel like you are in the game. They create a story which the characters can interact with other characters. Now the article explains the obvious, this is what happens in a game anyway. However, with the implementation of a backstory which the characters can interact with each other and complete the game thus creating a story. ( e.g. mythical characters interacting with each other to collect gems in order to pass the level .)

This sounds kind of half explained so here is how they broke it down on how to make your own story in your game:

First, pick your myth e.g. magical land.

Then, create your character and its enemy's e.g. elf and a wolf master who controls his wolfing's to hunt down any elf in the mythical land they live in.

Create the characters world.

Disrupt the world e.g. they turn the corner and wolflings attack them.

Make them fight the enemies and fight the big boss. The games concept.

Finally, collect rewards and pass levels!

This shows how a story brings the game along and allows you to execute your concept of a game.

2. This article is al about how a story is conflict. This conflict can be a problem the character has to face, a problem which occurs out of no where or once the character passes a level, another problem occurs. Conflicts drive a story from start to end. Just like a movie.

3. An article showing how this wrks in real life with a real life game. They found the game predictable and the designs amazing. However there was a story. The story followed the concept of the game. The concept allowed the character to be able to play out the game following the story. This makes it predictable yes, but interesting.

Over all I enjoyed. these readings and will apply them in my game.

Till next time!

Sunday, 25 November 2018

First Playable

Example of my game


Today marks the day my game is up and running fully!

This weekend we had to make a first playable! I found it fun but a challenge!

I am happy with it but I know it is glitchy and not 100% the best. however, I really did try my best and im proud of it! You can move my character about the game, there are sounds, there is a fade in screen and a fade out one. Also, most importantly , the character can collect maths questions or formulas to help them in the big boss question to pass into the next level!

Overall I find game making fun , its time consuming and harder then it should be at points as you cant learn off loads of code in order to make things work, you've to go through tones of tutorials to fin an answer for something that takes 5 mins about 2 hours later.

Bit frustrated to be honest but I will get there,

Till next time!!!

Thursday, 22 November 2018

Week 8 Progress

 How I feel
Hello! Blog time again!

I actually needed this review week. Really shifted my tiered brain into gear.

I can taste the Cadburys chocolate Santas already but theres still a month.

So how do I feel about my progress, this multimedia semester and my game so far?

I was happy with my progress till last week. Had a bit of a disaster week which shifted some grades into a bad way and so pushed my well thought out plans for getting assignments done (which usually work weirdly enough) towards the end of the week. My prototype was indeed a prototype but like the most raw form. I struggled a lot! It wasn't the time pressure more the brain power wasn't there as I felt so overwhelmed with it I started doing the most basics like setting the lighting and camera up wrong. The concept was there and by the end I could see where my game could go. Throughout this week , even with guidance from my lab last week, tutorials and friends helping me , I still struggled. So up till literally a few minutes ago I was a bit lost. I think what I will do now inorder to get my game into a proper working first level which is what I am producing in the next few days, is take it bit by bit. I am happy with my progress and I know exactly how to fix things. May be a late night before a 12 hour shift and a few days of hard work , but im determined to get this game up from where it is now to something I know can be done. I loved the reserch we did and my game has a lot of child learning fundamentals behind it so I feel a story will be really clear as the game is based on absolute logic, but also fun ( as much as maths can be!??!) I aspire to do my idea justice as its taken a lot of work and staining at my computer for ages wondering "why is my whole terrain why is it blue...why won't it just be the texture of white paper I set it as?!?" Anyways in all, my progress has been up and down. A real adventure. Probably less dramatic then a stick man stuck in a copy book answering maths questions just to travel through many worlds to get to the 3-D world, but none the less I have learned a lot!

I would love to avoid a stressful time like this one for semester two. I need to keep focused and keep to my plans. With out them I tend to fall down. However, like I have been doing I will keep them simple and with plenty of space incase things take longer then I think. A level head and realistic goals will keep me on track next time!

The photo above is amusing and will definitely make me push through!

Heres another, can never have enough motivation!

Monday, 19 November 2018

Week 8 comments and feed back

This week is reflections.

I find the feed back comments really good. Especially when they tell me honesty about my game. It is very encouraging to hear people think my game is cool and makes me feel like I can do it. Unity and gaming terrifies me as its new and I have never done it before. These comments help stir me in the right direction. This gives me tips on audience, how to better my game, allows me to be on track of what is missing in my game. I can improve it straight away. This means I will get way better grades at the end of the year as I know where im wrong or write at the end of the semesters.

I love giving feed back out to people. It helps me see what they do , especially people more experienced then me. Also, I like to help people who are struggling or just to support the class as this is the best way we can encourage each other to work to our best. It can help people get back on track if they are falling behind. It can also point out things they are missing especially if they misread the brief. You can help them in this.

I felt awkward at first doing the comments at first but its nice to get to know people in the class. I liked letting others know about me too. My introduction post is very informative and I wouldn’t mind people getting to know me through this.

I dont think there could be anything different with this section. The word limits for feed back and the blog is a really good way to keep you on track and get to genuinely help others. It makes me a better learner and team member as you see so many strengths and weaknesses of others. This is helpful in that we can all help each other improve as well as learn to listen to others and gain their help. This help makes them become the good game designers they want to be. It also helps me to be encouraged to learn, re cap over my work and make sure I am doing my best. Feed back helps you see what a real audience thinks of your game. This is more user testing and a lot of the suggestions made I tested out for my game. This was put into the Game Design Document I created in Dundoc. This created the holy bible ( essentially) for my game. I found it easier to make my game and am on the way of getting to where I need to in it which is really helpfully. These comments let everything be less stressful in the long run of making the game.

Week 8

Hello! Welcome back!!!

Overall the reading and writing assignments have been really beneficial and have helped me get into the right frame of mind.My favourite reading has been last weeks where you read about player MOBS. I never knew there were so many different types of players in game. This thought me about the phycology on  players so I can use this info in my own game.

These readings and blog notes are the sole reason I actually understand about gaming. These set my mind and give me research I can use in my game.

I think I have improved my literacy skills. Also I have been given tips on mindset and so on. This helps in all areas of my course.

I am happy with my progress but still need to fix errors and learn a lot. Im happy and open to do this though. I can't expect myself to be a pro just yet! 😆

Fave pic
This is my favourite image as not only is it entertaining, it is also thought provoking. What if we live in a video game ? Obviously this is not real but its a good way to get. into the mindset of your audience. They want to be engrossed in a game.

Overall these readings were extremely helpful. May be good to give us more time then a weekend to do large assignments or cut the blog comments at the end of the week as theres no point in putting these twice a week. I really wouldn't mind either way though as guidance in this module is the best.

Till tomorrow!

Last post-Favourite game

Hello all! This is my last blog!!  I loved everyones projects and there was a lot of work done by all. There were...