Thursday 27 September 2018

Introduction to me

Hi! πŸ‘‹

My name is Ellen Clarke. I am a second year Creative Digital Media student in ITB.

In this blog post I will tell you a bit about myself for you all to get to know me better.

The best module I took last semester was Design Process and Practice as I love graphic designing and organisation. Design Process and Practice is exactly that! It showed me a way to approach any creative project and how to use Adobe indesign in order to start off our knowledge on graphic design.

My biggest accomplishments last semester was that I found a system which works in order to get my assignments done on time.

My goal for Multimedia this year is to understand it and to get a good grade based on trying my best so I can have a good understanding of Multimedia.

Since we are just back in college I had the whole summer off! I worked twelve hour shifts and went to a few events, a bit boring πŸ˜‘That was until I booked a few day trip to Berlin! I saw the Berlin Wall , Alexander place, the GIANT Berlin zoo and LOADS more amazing things. Berlin was a trip to remember.

Now Im sure all of you have a favourite book or tv show at the moment but I don't really read or have the attention span to keep up with a tv serese ...sooo let me tell you about my all time FAVOURITE movie. It is called "The Shawshank Redemption ". Directed by Frank Darabont , this heart filled movie takes you through. the journey of one man and his escape from prison . I have seen it about five times and even now I go through all of the intended intense emotions Mr. Darabont wanted me (his audience) to go through. A real indication of a fantastic movie.

Why not check out the trailer for your self:

                                                        Trailer of "The Shawshank Redemption". Source youtube:

My favourite song right now is Ophelia by the Lumineers.

Here have a listen!
Ophelia by The Lumineers- Source Youtube

Since I am in College I have had a can chance to decide what my career goals would be. Right now, I would love to get into the filming industry . I feel like its such a competitive industry but once you can spread good messages to people. In order to do this I want to get the highest marks I can in every year of college. I want to give everything my best shot and grab ANY opportunities which come my way. After my course I will decide if I want to do a masters in cinematic studies and sound design or go a different route in the Creative Digital Media World.

In other news about me I have a super cute springer spaniel/ collie cross dog as a pet. His name is Oscar and he is seven years old by acts like an over excited puppy running around the house looking for cuddles or his ball (usually jammed under the couch ....).

Picture of my dog Oscar. 

There are hundreds of more facts I can tell you about me but as I blog more you will know a lot more about me.

Hope you enjoyed getting to know me a bit more!


  1. Definitely agree with regards the film choice, excellent story, couple of small suggestion going forward, look again at the instructions for the captions for the images and remember to read your posts out loud, it will improve the quality of your writing! Your energy and enthusiasm for this module so far is a great example!

  2. I love your current music taste and I think you can definitely make it into the music industry to spread your good thoughts and messages through them. Shawshank is a great film, and props to you for having the introduction that actually followed the instructions that Shaun left for us. Also. YOUR DOG IS SO CUTE!

  3. Hi Ellen! Love the blog! I really enjoyed Design Process and Practice last year too. I found it really interesting. Oh wow 12 hour shifts are no joke! I know I was excited to come back to college because I was sick of working all the time! I've never been to Berlin but it looks amazing. Definitely on the list of places I want to see. Shawshank Redemption is such a good film, good choice! Your dog is adorable, Oscar is a really cute name for a dog too.

  4. Hey Ellen
    I really like your blog set up by the way its nice and bright. Oh my god your dog is so adorable i just can't I love him he's way too cute. Berlin sounds so amazing I'm jealous you got to go its always been a place id love to visit someday, Shawshank Redemption is an amazing movie its definitely in my top 5 favourite movies. Im looking forward to seeing more of your work in the next few weeks!!!

  5. Hey Ellen,
    I really enjoyed reading your blog. Your dog is so cute! I have a spaniel too and they're the best. My dog is nine years old but still also acts like a hyper puppy. It's great that you know what you want to do as a career. I still haven't narrowed it down but I will eventually. Oh, I really like that movie too! 'Shawshank Redemption', It's a fantastic movie.
    Great blog!

  6. Hi Ellen, it's Dani and i have to say your blog is really nice and well put together, i really love how you go into so much detail and your doggy is really cute, i loved the shawshank redemption also one of my favorites, i really love your positive attitude and how you view life in general, i really don't have anything bad to say, your blog was fun to read so just keep up the good work and best of luck with the course and hope all goes well.

  7. Hi Ellen, I can see you have a good taste in movies and music. I enjoyed Design Process and Practice as well, gotta love Mark. Also wanna go to a film college and make a portfolio for that as well! Overall really good introduction, can't wait for more! PS my dog also get's her toys stuck under the sofa...on purpose.

  8. Hey Ellen, hows it goin, love the blog post, is easy and enjoyable to read. Also great choice in film, love Shawshank redemption, a pure classic. Also your dog looks like a good dog indeed. Also like the choice in film too. I rreally would love to do film too, an idustry I to share a love for and theres so many inspiring people who create timeless classics and have brilliant visions. Cant wait to see what you have in store and good luck with your aspirations to get into films.

  9. Hey Ellen!
    I like that you found Design Process and Practice to be an enjoyable module last year. That was my second favorite module last year after photography/Image Production. I was in Cologne in Germany over the summer for the first time. What was the best thing about your trip? I think you should definitely continue on and do a masters after finishing the course, it will really help to open up job opportunities. I'm not sure if I'll do a masters because I really want to start working and getting money for myself. I had a great time reading this blog, I'm sure I'll read some more of them in the future. Nice dog, I used to own a Bichon Frise myself. Dogs are definitely the best choice of pet

  10. Hi Ellen, Nice Blog I love the layout and the books in the background. Great movie choice, Shawshank Redemption is an amazing film! I don't think I could choose a favourite film but that would definitely be up there! Very cute dog, my dog Dougal is the same mix, he's also like a big puppy. Berlin sounds amazing, I've always wanted to go.
    Anyway great blog :)

  11. Hi Ellen!
    Really enjoyed reading your blog. Glad to see you enjoyed Design Process and Practice, I enjoyed it as well. Great to see what your favourite movie is as I love movies but funny enough I've never seen The Shawshank Redemption even though I've heard so many great things about it. I also haven't really decided what my career goal would be, but I would like it to be something in the film industry. Love the picture of your dog. Enjoyed reading your blog and look forward to seeing more.

  12. Hey Ellen! I really enjoyed reading this intro and getting to know you better. It's great that you got so much out of Design Process and Practice, I thought it was a great class for creativity too. Your dog is too cute! And also such a mood, look at that face. Great taste in movies too, that film is a masterpiece. Great post Ellen :)

  13. Hi Ellen, first of all your dog is amazing!. i really likes you introduction. i loved design process and practice and I agree it helped a lot with being more creative. Also shawshank redemption is such a good movie!!. i can agree Berlin is amazing and would definitely go again.


Last post-Favourite game

Hello all! This is my last blog!!  I loved everyones projects and there was a lot of work done by all. There were...