Showing posts with label reading week 2. Show all posts
Showing posts with label reading week 2. Show all posts

Tuesday, 2 October 2018

Game design-Reading others blogs

                                                       inspiring image for this blog

Today I will write about my experience in reading other people in my classes blogs.

I found it really interesting to read their blogs and understand about them a bit more. I myself love writing and blogging , however , it is great to see how others write and reflect so I can take inspiration for my own blogs. Is it good enough? How can I improve? If this is the way they write should I write in a similar way? -These are questions which come to my mind after this exercise . Hopefully I can keep on improving and you all will follow me on my journey through Multimedia, game design and second year in general.

The blogs I loved the most are ...


Darraghs blog , linked above, was very well written . He used interesting wording and it had a storytelling kind of feel towards it. A very interesting and well thought out approach which kept me wanting to read more.


Ryans blog linked above was impressive. His blog was long but kept my interest all the way through. His use of whit mixed with a general relaxed feeling allowed me to keep reading his blog and remember the whole thing which is really good.


I found it interesting to read Shiobhans blog post linked above. I think this as it was a quick synopsis of her life so far. It was lovely to hear about her positive attitude on life and her amazing achievements.


Shanes explanations of how proud he is of himself through this course is inspiring and the reason I love his blog linked above. It is interesting to see the work he has made and the confidence he has found through the course. I loved the professionalism coming through his blog and feel I can take this on board for my own blogs.

Until next time!

Last post-Favourite game

Hello all! This is my last blog!!  I loved everyones projects and there was a lot of work done by all. There were...