Wednesday, 14 November 2018

Unity Free Tutorials

                                                      What do I need for my game?

Hello! This week we are to look at 2-4 tutorials we found that we need to make our game.

Here is an evaluation of the unity ones I have mentioned in my other unity blogs and what I need from them:

For the past 7 weeks we have been looking at unity tutorials, making notes on them and making them as part of our lab work in unity. From those the following would be handy for my own game:

Firstly Jimmy Vegas tutorials. In his unity tutorials 1 and 2 he spoke about terrains. I will need this tutorial in order to create the physical environment my character is in. I will need two long rectangle objects on each side of the character and the rest of the environment will need to be a copy book. I will use the terrain inspector option in order to attach a mesh onto these objects so the character doesn't attach to them. I will also need to make the different levels e.g. the last level which is full of cars and so on. This is all shown through these tutorials. 

More specifically, I will need tutorial 2 for making textures and materials in the environment so the worlds look realistic.

Jimmy Vegas's tutorial 3 is all about players and movement for players. I have five characters so I will need to make sure they are correct and scripted correctly in order to move and interact with the environment.

I will use tutorial 4 when making sound effects and other objects as this tutorial shows how to add in music for interacting with objects and other characters. This is important in my game to make it more realistic, fun and interactive for my audience playing the game.

Number 5 teaches us on ray cast for lighting of the environment. This is important in order to make each level look the way it is meant to e.g. the vortex level should be dark.

Aswell as Jimmy Vegas , I will need cat like coding's tutorial on looping the game so I don't need to make a huge terrain I can just keep looping it as you run along jumping over things, unlocking boxes and doing small maths questions before the main boss.

Back to Jimmy Vegas, his 7th tutorial is all about adding text. I will need this for pop ups. This tutorial teaches us how to use animation for this. I would need it to allow my characters to interact with things and see the questions posed to them.

I will need tutorial 8 to add commands for walking, jumping and rendering the the character unlocks a question.

I will need tutorial 9 to change sky lighting and wind in order to create an all around environment for my game. This will allow my game to be as animatic as I would like it to be especially to differentiate the many levels from each other. E.g. the last level will be calm but the vortex level will be really windy.

I will need tutorial 10 and 11 in all my scenes in order to fade the screen. Tutorial 10 and 11 allows us to transition  in order to change scenes.

11 also show to add in bigger objects and fix bugs in my script. Basically to clean up the environment made, character movement and object interactions

But what else do I need?

So I have my environment, characters, lighting, wind, sound, transitions , movement of the character, code in order for the character to work the way I want, how to add in any object I want, I even have a link to the commands and the character.

But there are a few more things I need:

1.How to make a pop-up scene? interactive so people can draw on it?
First you will need mane a fade screen. Then you need to rename it. Add a mesh component to it. Fill in the text mesh component settings. Choose font style, size and colour etc. This creates the pop up itself. 

2. How to collect answers after 3 trys?
This tutorial explains how to do this. To start you go to the project folder and make sure all of your assets are in this. Then you select all of the scenes and drag and drop into the build settings window. Click the scene you want to make, add assets into this and position them right. This is all to create an object you can make as an asset to the game. So how do I collect them? Add in your question. Click “to disable”. Keep making in this way till you have it done. Add script to animate this. 

3.How to make a character run?

Import your assets. Make the character and put it into unity as an asset. Set up the camera so you can see the character and set it up in the correct dimensions through the inspector window. Set up an animator controller. Right click and make another state. Fix the animation settings in the inspector panel and in the character . Make a run tag, set the FOOT ix as run. However I want my character to continuously run. In order to this you click the run asset. Go to the animations tab of the inspector panel. Loop the animation. Set an animator asset for our character by adding it as a component. This is all set up in unity itself. 

4. How to make the pop up interactive for a user to write answers?
Create an object that is going to be interactive. To do this create a canvas , make an object, attach a UI element to the object, transform and set up using the inspector tool. Click on the asset in the project file every time you want to add it to a scene. Create a scene for this , Name it, put text on it , anchor it, set width and height and font settings. Set alignment , right click on the canvas and create a new ui button. This makes it clickable. Add script to this object to make it actually animated/interactive for the audience.

1 comment:

  1. hey Ellen,
    I'm excited to see the end product of your game!!! It sounds very cool!! Good thing that you know exactly what you need and tutorials you're going to use. It's good to have a plan because it will help deal with stresssssssss which I'm sure is hitting us all right now. You're on the right track to a great game and I wish you all the best girl!!!!


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