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Heres about game decisions and flow theory, making a perfect game.
Practice makes perfect. You need to understand the audience and game your making 100% before even making a prototype. There is a lot of research, idea generation and specifying exactly what you want your game to look and feel like. You need to express this in a way that someone else could make your game.
You need to first research what is out there already and once you've decided your story of your game, you will have to make a story board.There should be many iterations of this in order to make your game the most fun, interactive and addictive you can. You need to include all of the elements such as, colour, design genre, style etc.
You need to know the technology elements and what codes you use. e.g. you need to know how to actually create a game using unity and c#. You need to make sure you are fulfilling your audiences needs and that your game can fit into a niche part of the industry by creating an unique and fun game. People wont play it otherwise. You need main goals and a theme which you can build your game off of and build it up into a perfect game. Your game needs to have goals as well as you as a game designer. Your characters need to build from these goals and the setting must show this also. You need to essentially build a story from this information.
You will need many prototypes and iterations once all of this is sorted. Then get feed back on those examples. Finally, from this feed back you will make your game.Key things are a set design, cost, elements etc .
Thanks for reading!
Hey Ellen! This is a really helpful and informative post I really enjoyed reading through it and taking some tips myself. I think you're headed in a good direction with your game, it seems you know exactly how to go about creating a game from scratch which is great! I think this would be a really helpful post to show anyone struggling with how to start their game. Really good post!:)