Let me tell you my thoughts on time management and what I have learned. I feel it is important to break down your assignments and pick 3 days per module which you will do the work. The article called "The psychology of check lists" which was recommended to me really helped as I can now make a list of what I need to do per assignment and not miss anything.
Thanks for reading!!
Friday, 28 September 2018
Technology thoughts
Hello welcome back to my blog!!
This post is about my first impressions on our technology tools. I have heard of everything bar unity which I am excited to use as it is a new program for me to understand.
This post is about my first impressions on our technology tools. I have heard of everything bar unity which I am excited to use as it is a new program for me to understand.
dMy thoughts on our assignments so far
Hi π
In this blog post about my first impressions about this module so far.
I feel the assignments are fair. There are a lot of extra credit assignments available which makes it easier for such aa new module.This is completely different to all of my other modules as there is no extra credit in those.
In this blog post about my first impressions about this module so far.
I feel the assignments are fair. There are a lot of extra credit assignments available which makes it easier for such aa new module.This is completely different to all of my other modules as there is no extra credit in those.
Thursday, 27 September 2018
Hello everyone!
As part of my previous blogs today , I would like to tell you about my conversation with one of my peers.
Together we talked about growth and mindset and what we have learned through this. I found it to be beneficial and open my eyes to a new mind set. My partner found it to help them organise themselves with college work and they think it will help them achieve more.
Thank you for reading!!! π
As part of my previous blogs today , I would like to tell you about my conversation with one of my peers.
Together we talked about growth and mindset and what we have learned through this. I found it to be beneficial and open my eyes to a new mind set. My partner found it to help them organise themselves with college work and they think it will help them achieve more.
Thank you for reading!!! π
Growth mindset-Final thoughts
Good afternoon!!!
I have been researching good growth mindset techniques and processes. Overall it has helped me to be motivated and organised in doing my college work.
Here is a bit about what I learned:
I have never heard of Carol Deweck or her theory on growth mindset before. However, it makes sense. I f you don't try or make mistakes you will never ever grow and develop.
I feel like I am between a growth and fixed mindset. I an open to learning but do get a bit fixated if I fail in college. I think if I concentrate on the process and learning from mistakes then I can never go too far wrong. In the other aspects of my life, I can use this process to push myself further out of my comfort zone and try my best e.g. in the gym or doing things I have never done.
My biggest challenge is being nervous of the unknown realm of new topics , especially if I have struggled before. I can use the skills I have learned to relax and just enjoy the process. I am excited to learn more about the topic of growth and mind set even more.
With this, I can achieve my goals of first learning and getting used to a new year and new modules. I can then further my skills in those topics and create better quality projects I can have for future employers for work experience next year.
I have been researching good growth mindset techniques and processes. Overall it has helped me to be motivated and organised in doing my college work.
Here is a bit about what I learned:
I have never heard of Carol Deweck or her theory on growth mindset before. However, it makes sense. I f you don't try or make mistakes you will never ever grow and develop.
I feel like I am between a growth and fixed mindset. I an open to learning but do get a bit fixated if I fail in college. I think if I concentrate on the process and learning from mistakes then I can never go too far wrong. In the other aspects of my life, I can use this process to push myself further out of my comfort zone and try my best e.g. in the gym or doing things I have never done.
My biggest challenge is being nervous of the unknown realm of new topics , especially if I have struggled before. I can use the skills I have learned to relax and just enjoy the process. I am excited to learn more about the topic of growth and mind set even more.
With this, I can achieve my goals of first learning and getting used to a new year and new modules. I can then further my skills in those topics and create better quality projects I can have for future employers for work experience next year.
Growth and mind set poster
Welcome back!
Here is a poster to help you know a cool process for projects and learning!
Hope you enjoy:
Welcome back!
Here is a poster to help you know a cool process for projects and learning!
Hope you enjoy:
Growth and mindset motto
Hello everyone!
On the on going topic of growth and mindset in my recent posts, here is a quote to keep in mind.
I made this on "Cavana". This motto was inspired by the vast amounts of research I have done so far for this topic. I hope it helps you as much as it helps me.
On the on going topic of growth and mindset in my recent posts, here is a quote to keep in mind.
I made this on "Cavana". This motto was inspired by the vast amounts of research I have done so far for this topic. I hope it helps you as much as it helps me.
Growth and mindset stories
Good afternoon!
Todays blog is about stories I have come across on the internet about growth and mind set.
The book I found most hit me was "The girl who never made any mistakes" by Mark Pett and Gary Rubenstien. This is a children's book in which the main character Beatrice went through her life never making mistakes. One day she trips and almost drops some eggs . To her, this was terrible! She had never made a mistake before?!?!? From that day onwards she went through her life being super careful and so limited her abilities. Until one day when she realised it isn't bad to make mistakes. They help us learn and grow. I feel we all need to take this moral in our lives. If we go along terrified of "what ifs" then we will never know what we can achieve.
Thanks for reading!!!
Todays blog is about stories I have come across on the internet about growth and mind set.
The book I found most hit me was "The girl who never made any mistakes" by Mark Pett and Gary Rubenstien. This is a children's book in which the main character Beatrice went through her life never making mistakes. One day she trips and almost drops some eggs . To her, this was terrible! She had never made a mistake before?!?!? From that day onwards she went through her life being super careful and so limited her abilities. Until one day when she realised it isn't bad to make mistakes. They help us learn and grow. I feel we all need to take this moral in our lives. If we go along terrified of "what ifs" then we will never know what we can achieve.
Thanks for reading!!!
The girl who never makes mistakes book cover. Source: https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fgravitybread.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2015%2F01%2Fgirl-mistakes.jpg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fgravitybread.com%2Fbooks-and-mealtime%2Fthe-girl-who-never-made-mistakes%2F&docid=yk4DCvxdHNkowM&tbnid=kEDntm6dkKCIyM%3A&vet=10ahUKEwiDrc6ng9vdAhUGK8AKHSxrA-oQMwg1KAEwAQ..i&w=600&h=468&client=safari&bih=748&biw=1440&q=the%20girl%20who%20never%20made%20a%20mistake&ved=0ahUKEwiDrc6ng9vdAhUGK8AKHSxrA-oQMwg1KAEwAQ&iact=mrc&uact=8
Others opinions and how they can help you
Today I will write about my thoughts on others quotes on the process of a healthy mindset .
A lot of the quotes have a strong message behind them in the sense of a positive outlook can change everything. My favourite one is "She said she could do it and she did". This is very simple yet effective as more often then not we tend to give up with out even trying in the first place.We think something is too hard and don't even try. The quote here made me think that even if we try and it fails at least you've given it a good shot. I think I will apply this in my college work even more then I did last year. Whats the worst that can happen?!
Today I will write about my thoughts on others quotes on the process of a healthy mindset .
A lot of the quotes have a strong message behind them in the sense of a positive outlook can change everything. My favourite one is "She said she could do it and she did". This is very simple yet effective as more often then not we tend to give up with out even trying in the first place.We think something is too hard and don't even try. The quote here made me think that even if we try and it fails at least you've given it a good shot. I think I will apply this in my college work even more then I did last year. Whats the worst that can happen?!
Great work is done by those who aren't afraid to be great pic. Source: https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwjVkoO8_9rdAhXIBcAKHZk1B6sQjRx6BAgBEAU&url=http%3A%2F%2Fquotesideas.com%2Ffear-quotes-images-and-wallpapers-hd%2Ffear-cartoon-quote%2F&psig=AOvVaw2rDgk4b8R-6_238x9EaWx6&ust=1538131214206564
Feed back Feed back Feed back!
Good morning !
In this blog I will tell you about my reserch on getting feedback. This post links with the "Growth and mindset " post as they are interlinked in getting through projects and concentrating on the process rather then an end result.
My blog post is based of the following article: " Seven Characteristics That support Meaning-full Feedback" by Esther Ntuli.
This article is about the difference between good or bad feedback and how to process it. Esther explains that criticisms and negative feed back is a lot better then positive feed back. Although positive feed back can build confidence, so can negative feedback and criticisms. I learned through reading her article that negative feedback and criticisms can help you reflect, learn from mistakes and improve over time. I find this fascinating. From now on I will keep this thought in my head and always be proud of work I did. I hope this will allow me to grow as a student and improve . This is a good thought to have if any of you are struggling .
Thanks for reading!
Plenty more to come !!!!
Growth mind set
Welcome back to my blog.
This blog post is. My thoughts on the growth mindset theory by Carol Dewick taken from the article " A Stanford Professor Who Pioneered Praising Kids For The Effort Say's We've Ttotally Missed The Point". (source: https://qz.com/587811/stanford-professor-who-pioneered-praising-effort-sees-false-praise-everywhere/?utm_source=atlfb)
Miss Dewick has done research on how children who have a fixed mind set , they get fixated on a problem and run from it. Where as those with a growth mindset tried their best and did significantly better. Why is this? Those with a growth mindset try their best to work out the problem. I feel this is very true and I would definitely work on being open minded and this "not yet". Just like Carol Dewick suggests. We as students should [be praised on process, effort and growth rather then achieving grades. However, this does not always happen. Carol Dewick explains how teachers now a days almost re-enfource the fixed mindset by praising whether good or bad, letting people get away with things and not giving feed back. With out feed back, criticism with a not yet attitude and us learning from mistakes we will never ever get past the fixed failure mind set. This is not good at all. I knew that in order to get where you want you have to try, however, I tend to be in a fixed mindset about grades. I am thankful I now can practice thinking that college or any assessments are now t about the end result. It is the process you go through and the consistent hard work you put in which gives you the end result you want. I am excited to explore my abilities and opportunities I have in achieving goals now once I focus on the process and my consistent effort during a process in the mean time. In order to do this, I will stick to a process , ask questions, leave NO question un answered and work consistently in order to get my goals.
Welcome back to my blog.
This blog post is. My thoughts on the growth mindset theory by Carol Dewick taken from the article " A Stanford Professor Who Pioneered Praising Kids For The Effort Say's We've Ttotally Missed The Point". (source: https://qz.com/587811/stanford-professor-who-pioneered-praising-effort-sees-false-praise-everywhere/?utm_source=atlfb)
Changes next exit pic. Source https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwj03Kvq99rdAhVsCcAKHUDvCTwQjRx6BAgBEAU&url=https%3A%2F%2Fmarquetteeducator.wordpress.com%2F2014%2F07%2F18%2Fembracing-the-unknown%2F&psig=AOvVaw3eNJfVY6yzU3-tb8xEpRuM&ust=1538129169974871
Introduction to me
Hello image. Source:https://www.onlinewebfonts.com/icon/106504
Hi! πMy name is Ellen Clarke. I am a second year Creative Digital Media student in ITB.
In this blog post I will tell you a bit about myself for you all to get to know me better.
The best module I took last semester was Design Process and Practice as I love graphic designing and organisation. Design Process and Practice is exactly that! It showed me a way to approach any creative project and how to use Adobe indesign in order to start off our knowledge on graphic design.
My biggest accomplishments last semester was that I found a system which works in order to get my assignments done on time.
My goal for Multimedia this year is to understand it and to get a good grade based on trying my best so I can have a good understanding of Multimedia.
Since we are just back in college I had the whole summer off! I worked twelve hour shifts and went to a few events, a bit boring πThat was until I booked a few day trip to Berlin! I saw the Berlin Wall , Alexander place, the GIANT Berlin zoo and LOADS more amazing things. Berlin was a trip to remember.
Now Im sure all of you have a favourite book or tv show at the moment but I don't really read or have the attention span to keep up with a tv serese ...sooo let me tell you about my all time FAVOURITE movie. It is called "The Shawshank Redemption ". Directed by Frank Darabont , this heart filled movie takes you through. the journey of one man and his escape from prison . I have seen it about five times and even now I go through all of the intended intense emotions Mr. Darabont wanted me (his audience) to go through. A real indication of a fantastic movie.
Why not check out the trailer for your self:
Trailer of "The Shawshank Redemption". Source youtube: https://youtu.be/NmzuHjWmXOc
My favourite song right now is Ophelia by the Lumineers.
Here have a listen!
Ophelia by The Lumineers- Source Youtube
Since I am in College I have had a can chance to decide what my career goals would be. Right now, I would love to get into the filming industry . I feel like its such a competitive industry but once you can spread good messages to people. In order to do this I want to get the highest marks I can in every year of college. I want to give everything my best shot and grab ANY opportunities which come my way. After my course I will decide if I want to do a masters in cinematic studies and sound design or go a different route in the Creative Digital Media World.
The world is your oyster pic. Source: https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwiqkZ2T5NrdAhWNbMAKHcRbA-4QjRx6BAgBEAU&url=http%3A%2F%2Ftt.tennis-warehouse.com%2Findex.php%3Fthreads%2Fdonnay-xenecore.580722%2F&psig=AOvVaw2DHxPuL-12QzLa3Tz7UTkr&ust=1538123885536370
In other news about me I have a super cute springer spaniel/ collie cross dog as a pet. His name is Oscar and he is seven years old by acts like an over excited puppy running around the house looking for cuddles or his ball (usually jammed under the couch ....).
Picture of my dog Oscar.
There are hundreds of more facts I can tell you about me but as I blog more you will know a lot more about me.
Hope you enjoyed getting to know me a bit more!
Wednesday, 26 September 2018
Workshop 01 upload-My thoughts
Traffic lights pic
I hope you have liked what I have written so far π¬
Now onto todays blog!
So today I will be telling you all my thoughts on a workshop we did in class.
The class started off with the whole year meeting our new lecturer , Shaun Ferris. He formally introduced himself to us and asked us how we are getting on in the busy first week of second year. Shaun proceeded to ask what we knew of his module , multimedia, of which I though was really interesting , but I didn’t really know much about it more then we make games.
After that, we were shown the basic introduction of the module its self, such as, work load, expectations we should expect from the course and what is expected of us. I found this introduction great and helped me get into the mindset of the class.
Next, we did an exercise. This consisted of figuring out how to describe how a set of four traffic lights would work. At first , it was obvious…green go , red stop, amber ready to go however, as we discussed our ideas in groups and further dove into the puzzle, we came up with a very cohesive and in-depth idea. I though the lights exercise was a clever way of understanding sequences. We put these sequences into a flow chart and animated it in adobe animate which I found confusing at the start but really fun .
Finally I delivered this exercise by doing it, signing an online declaration showing I did it and writing this blog about it. I find this a really good way to make sure I understand what happened in class. Its like studying , but better!π
I love writing these blogs as it helps me understand the module and helps me practice writing which we will need in writing movie scripts and reflections for assignments.
I hope you enjoyed reading so far!
More coming soon π¬π
Monday, 24 September 2018
Week one-Picture your favourite game
Hello !
Welcome back to my blogπ
This post is all about Mario cart. Mario cart is my favourite game and has been since my childhood. This fun Nintendo game can come both on the Wii and Nintendo ds. Its main aim is to win a carting event with your favourite character, their super cool car and your favourite course. My favourite was maple leaf as it was set in autumn and had loads of cool jumps over gaped roads on it. Mario cart was always a game which I could battle my friends or family members in or even just play myself to pass the time. This is a really fun and interesting game with tones of levels, characters and so providing hours of fun!
Hope you liked this little synopsis of my favourite game!
Test Post 24/09/2018
Welcome to my blog!
My name is Ellen Clarke, a second year Creative Digital Media student studing in ITB updating you on certain things for my Multimedia college course this year.
Hope you enjoyπ
Welcome to my blog!
My name is Ellen Clarke, a second year Creative Digital Media student studing in ITB updating you on certain things for my Multimedia college course this year.
Hope you enjoyπ
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Last post-Favourite game
Hello all! This is my last blog!! I loved everyones projects and there was a lot of work done by all. There were...
Hello image. Source: https://www.onlinewebfonts.com/icon/106504 Hi! π My name is Ellen Clarke. I am a second year Creative Digital Me...
vision statement Welcome to my vision statement post! This is for my potential game hope you like it! Introduction of game: T...