Friday, 22 February 2019

final draft

Todays blog is all of the annotated blogs combined.  It is the final paper to all of the research for our game.  Below will discuss the genre of the game and why we picked it, the games main themes, the cognitive benefits of a shooting game and the benefits of making a game based off of such an under talked piece of Irish history compared to other historical event in different countries e.g. the world wars.

Firstly,  the genre.  The genre of our game is a role playing game. Here I will explain the basics of a role playing game and thus showing the reasons why we picked this as the genre of our game.  So what is a role playing game?  According to a 2007 article of the benefits of role playing games by, it is when you play the protagonist of a game who is down trodden by antagonists.  Through this you would meet characters who either try to hinder or help you on your journey.  This kind of game is very interesting and interactive as the player in very involved.  According to the same article, there are many sub genres of a role playing game such as video games, table top ( such as dungeons and dragons) and so on.  It is a very extensive area and so as a developer, you can allow your audience access so much more in you’re game then you would in say a quiz game.  Also, they are proven to be one of the most social games. It will teach younger users how to socialise in a fun way.  This is proven by a 2015 article written on by Patrick Allan.  He explains how a role playing first person game have many psychological benefits.  This is important in order for our game to be the most use to a user as possible.  Over all our genre of a role playing first person game will make the user feel more involved in the game.  The user can create their own destiny in the game and have more creativity.  There is a move storytelling feel about these types of games and they will learn basic social skills which will help them in all aspects of life. 

Secondly, why our game is a shooting game.  An article by explains what a first person shooting game is. wrote that a first person shooting game is a shooting game played in the point of view of the protagonist of the game.  As our players will be the protagonist of the story and lead the journey this definitely is needed in order to explain our game.  You will never see the characters face as it will be like you are playing the game.  You will see their arms and legs and the world instead.  According to this article the player will swing from left to right slightly in order to mimic a real person.  This type of game play is more intimate for the person playing the game.  Why shooting games are beneficial shows the reasons to why we choose this. and here they are. Not only are these games more fun for a user but they are also psychologically beneficial according to this article written by Samit Sarkar in 2013.  He explains that hand eye co ordination use in these games improves in users and faster cognitions thinking.  How? As the user has to keep constant focus, understanding of the game and has to learn to act fast, there is no wonder!  We thought a rpg shooting game would work in terms of storytelling but now its even better.  Over all our whole plan was to teach people about the 1916 rising, now we can teach them valuable skills they can use in all aspects of life too.

Now a bit of a change.  Why are historical based learning games beneficial?  This article by digital commons written in 2011 explains the benefits of a history based game.  It explains that the educational benefits are great.  You can learn so much from a game as it is visually striking and can test your knowledge.  You can play a game set in a time in history ( for example the 1916 rising like our own) and learn so so much more then you ever  would in a book.  The user will always have a chance to understand the world of the 1916 rising first hand.  TO conclude, children are way more visually stimulated then academically stimulated therefore having an academic topic in a visually immersive way will allow our users to learn exactly what we want the to.

Now onto our story.  Our story is set int he 1916 rising.  This article written by the Irish times in 2016 explains the whole story of the 1916 rising.  Irish people had to form their own army.  Did they not have one already?!  The answer is no.  Instead they were ruled by the British at this time.  The yearned for freedom.  Through reading the article it occurred to me that there was no real protagonist or antagonist as in a war both sides are wrong and right at the same time.  However, due to this war being a revolution to get the Irish their country back,  and our games genre to reflect this, it seems the Irish rebels were more protagonists then the British who took over in the first place.  The main protagonists in the 1916 rising were the leaders of the IRA and associated groups attached to the IRA.  The IRA were the Irish Republican Army.  They were the newly formed government to protect the Irish people and get back their 36 counties . Arthur Griffith, James Connolly ,Patrick Pearse ,Eamon DeValera, John Redmon, Sean Mac Diarmada, Thomas MacDounnagh, Josaph Plunket, Thomas Clarke, Éamonn Ceant, Constance Markievicz, Michale Collins, and so on were all main leaders of Ireland at this time.  So what does this all have to do with the theme of our game as the 1916 rising?  The player will be playing as part of the Irish republican army fighting for freedom.  Now you know the background, here we speak of the benefits for making a game based off a piece of history not spoken of.  This article by the Irish times written in 2017 explored how young boys 10-16 were messenger boys during the 1916  rising.  This article from 2017 was specifically speaking of St. Enda's in Rathfarnham in Dublin.  Boys from this school joined "Na Finna" and "the IRA" in order to be messenger boys for the IRA.  The rebel army was like a family to them.  They had to stay loyal.  Especially the fact that Padrige Perce was a head master of the school.  He was one of the IRA leaders of the time.  He gave guns to the boys for winning competitions and so thought them to fight.  This was the very basics of the 1916 rising.  To secretly create an Irish Republican Army. What has this got to do with our game? This is an aspect of the game we are looking at.  For the player to be a messenger boy during the 1916 rising. But not only this, it is shocking that boys of all ages were dragged into such horrible conditions. This is what we want to do. Overall, this is what we want to teach, of a story lesser told.

In every war, especially the 1916 rising there was two sides and how this ties into our game. These sides can create the themes of our game.  This article written by a company called “ O Tnuthghail” in 2015 told the whole story from both sides of the war, the Irish and the British.  Again, there are no real protagonists or antagonists as both sides were brutal in their killings and war tactics, however the Irish were fighting for freedom.  Therefor in this case, the article thought me about the British.  I chose this article as in every story and game alike, you need an antagonist to fuel every mission. In our game our enemy is the British and so, they are our antagonist.  I learned Michael Portillo,  Herbert Asquith, Gen John Maxwell  were the main antagonists of the 1916 rising.  They were on the apposing side of the Irish and so made any complications they could for the Irish.  This ( in our game) would fuel the story arc. Anytime the Irish tried to compromise the British would fight.  Anytime the British were warned of the Irish rebellion, they under estimated the Irish and let them get one step closer to outbreaking into war.  Any weapons the Irish put onto the British , they used a weapon twice as destructive and threw the remaining people in torturous jail cells.  This, creates the story of two sides fighting in the 1916 rising which essentially is the basic story of our game. ( more in-depth explanation of our game to come in the next blogs!!)

Now we know the dynamics of the games theme its time to get into sub themes.  This is an article by enotes was written in 2017. Enotes thought me the themes of the 1916 rising. They wrote this as study notes for exams but it helps for our game also as it is a solid and factual piece which is easy to understand.  The main themes are conflict and resolution in the 1916 rising. The conflict is the Irish being ruled by the British and the resolution is 34/36 counties being won. There is also sorrow and loss. Sorrow being families, friends, neighbours and so on fought against each other and deaths occurred from both sides. Loss being the deaths experienced and loss of historical buildings such as the GPO ( now re build). This site was on a specific book written on the 1916 rising, however, I found this to be a very good source as books are the truth on many situations. This book was a fictional take on a real situation so it had the real themes within the 1916 rising. These themes are clearly going to be shown through out our game as basic building blocks for a really interesting and interactive game for our audience.

Finally, reflection on the governments involvement. Why are we putting this in? Well it is the basics of the fighting and kind of summarises the whole review.  This article by the official Irish government written in 2018 explained their reflection of the government at the time of the 1916 rising.  The main government party was sine fine.  They consisted on the main IRA and main rebels at this time.  The Irish government tried to negotiate with British to try get their counties back.  The government spilt and became military after no negotiations were accepted by the British.  Thus the IRA formed.  The Irish parliament were there to keep up legal discussions with the British and to keep a bridge between the two sides.  The army were the force who drove action and fear into the British.  Likewise, the British government were there to legally stop any Irish discussions at bay and to enforce rule into the Irish people.  Their army fought with the Irish army to force retaliation.  This article explains the in's and out of what happened in the government at this time.  The suppression the Irish government and Irish people were under forced the Irish government into action.  The wanted their whole country back.  After many attempts at negotiations with the British government and noting but push backs in return, the Irish had to fight for freedom.  Therefor the Irish revolution or the 1916 rising broke out. So theres our theme. The 1916 rising and its significance of why we need to teach people of the story. 

Then the genres and sub themes within the topic of our game.  The 1916 rising topic is both historical, educational and exciting for a player.  Having a rag first person shooting game will teach of this story in an interactive way but also will teach skills to people who play.

Sunday, 17 February 2019

annotated bibliography 2

 Link to where this pic came from

This week I will speak more about our genre of our game.  However, I will delve more into the themes within our genre therefore making our game more filled out.  The main theme of our game is the 1916 rising.

In order to complete this task, I put down more words on coggle.  The main words I found were “Young”, “ opposing sides”, and “governments”.  To me these words could be used to explain the the 1916 rising perfectly. 
Firstly, this article by the Irish times written in 2017 explored how young boys 10-16 were messenger boys during the 1916  rising.  This article from 2017 was specifically speaking of St. Enda's in Rathfarnham in Dublin.  Boys from this school joined "Na Finna" and "the IRA" in order to be messenger boys for the IRA.  The rebel army was like a family to them.  They had to stay loyal.  Especially the fact that Padrige Perce was a head master of the school.  He was one of the IRA leaders of the time.  He gave guns to the boys for winning competitions and so thought them to fight.  This was the very basics of the 1916 rising.  To secretly create an Irish Republican Army. What has this got to do with our game? This is an aspect of the game we are looking at. For the player to be a messenger boy during the 1916 rising.

This article written by the Irish times in 2016 explains the whole story of the 1916 rising.  This explains why Irish people had to form their own army.  Did they not have one already?!  The answer is no.  Instead they were ruled by the Brittish at this time.  The yearned for freedom.  Through reading the article it occurred to me that there was no real protagonist or antagonist as in a war both sides are wrong and right at the same time.  However, due to this war being a revolution to get the Irish their country back,  and our games genre to reflect this, it seems the Irish rebels were more protagonists then the British who took over in the first place.  The main protagonists in the 1916 rising were the leaders of the IRA and associated groups attached to the IRA.  The IRA were the Irish Republican Army.  They were the newly formed government to protect the Irish people and get back their 36 counties . Arthur Griffith, James Connolly ,Patrick Pearse ,Eamon DeValera, John Redmon, Sean Mac Diarmada, Thomas MacDounnagh, Josaph Plunket, Thomas Clarke, Éamonn Ceant, Constance Markievicz, Michale Collins, and so on were all main leaders of Ireland at this time.  So what does this all have to do with the theme of our game as the 1916 rising?  The player will be playing as part of the Irish republican army fighting for freedom.

This article written by a company called “ O Tnuthghail” in 2015 told the whole story from both sides of the war, the Irish and the British.  Again, there are no real protagonists or antagonists as both sides were brutal in their killings and war tactics, however the Irish were fighting for freedom. Therefor in this case, the article thought me about the British.  I chose this article as in every story and game alike, you need an antagonist to fuel every mission. In our game our enemy is the British and so, they are our antagonist.  I learned Michael Portillo,  Herbert Asquith, Gen John Maxwell  were the main antagonists of the 1916 rising.  They were on the apposing side of the Irish and so made any complications they could for the Irish.  This ( in our game) would fuel the story arc. Anytime the Irish tried to compromise the British would fight.  Anytime the British were warned of the Irish rebellion, they under estimated the Irish and let them get one step closer to outbreaking into war.  Any weapons the Irish put onto the British , they used a weapon twice as destructive and threw the remaining people in torturous jail cells.  This, creates the story of two sides fighting in the 1916 rising which essentially is the basic story of our game. ( more in-depth explanation of our game to come in the next blogs!!)

This is an article by enotes was written in 2017. Enotes thought me the themes of the 1916 rising. They wrote this as study notes for exams but it helps for our game also as it is a solid and factual piece which is easy to understand.  The main themes are conflict and resolution in the 1916 rising. The conflict is the Irish being ruled by the British and the resolution is 34/36 counties being won. There is also sorrow and loss. Sorrow being families, friends, neighbours and so on fought against each other and deaths occurred from both sides. Loss being the deaths experienced and loss of historical buildings such as the GPO ( now re build). This site was on a specific book written on the 1916 rising, however, I found this to be a very good source as books are the truth on many situations. This book was a fictional take on a real situation so it had the real themes within the 1916 rising. These themes are clearly going to be shown through out our game as basic building blocks for a really interesting and interactive game for our audience.

Finally this article by the official Irish government written in 2018 explained their reflection of the government at the time of the 1916 rising.  The main government party was sine fine.  They consisted on the main IRA and main rebels at this time.  The Irish government tried to negotiate with British to try get their counties back.  The government spilt and became military after no negotiations were accepted by the British.  Thus the IRA formed.  The Irish parliament were there to keep up legal discussions with the British and to keep a bridge between the two sides.  The army were the force who drove action and fear into the British.  Likewise, the British government were there to legally stop any Irish discussions at bay and to enforce rule into the Irish people.  Their army fought with the Irish army to force retaliation.  This article explains the in's and out of what happened in the government at this time.  The suppression the Irish government and Irish people were under forced the Irish government into action.  The wanted their whole country back.  After many attempts at negotiations with the British government and noting but push backs in return, the Irish had to fight for freedom.  Therefor the Irish revolution or the 1916 rising broke out.

Over all through the government, people of all ages, tensioning a fight for resolution the 1916 rising can be broken down into key components. This is what fuels our game and allows the player have the best experience they can!

Thank you for reading todays blog!!! I hope you liked fining out about our themes within the genre of our game!

Till next time!


url-link to this photos origen 


This week we practiced literacy reviews again. We made sure to have the correct format in order for us to learn the correct way of writing. Through this we watched a video and are now reviewing it. (LInk to video)

So what do we need?  We need an introduction, body and conclusion firstly.

The introduction: This should be a short paragraph of what you are doing, why and how you will do it.

The body: At least five articles making up five paragraphs. In each paragraph you will need a link to an article after 2008 in order for it to. be recent. An intro line. Discuss the article and a conclusionary line.

The conclusion: A very short summary of what you just did.

Easy right?! Finding the articles is hard but once you do you are flying!

All literary reviews have a specific format they need to be. Why? Well this is an informal document and it has to have a general standard in order to look professional.

The format: All in a size 12 font, times new roman, 1.5 line spacing, double spacing after every full stop and no space before or after a comma. All has to be spelled correctly and punctuation/grammar has to be perfect.

Not too much to it and easy to follow! IF you don't you lose easy marks so its handy to know how to write one of these.

Till next time!!!!

Saturday, 9 February 2019

Annoted Bibliography

This is the link to this picture

Hi everyone!

Today I will speak about our genre of our game. Our genre is a role playing first person shooting game set in the 1916 rising.
First we made a toggle where we put down tones of words that came to mind when thinking of our genre. Then we searched 5 articles about our genre and wrote about them.

My coggle

This article by was written in order to explain the basics of a role playing game.  As our game is a role playing game it is important to explain this.  This article was written in 2017 so it is fairly recent.  So what is a role playing game according to  According to them, it is when you play the protagonist of a game who is down trodden.  Through this you would meet characters who either try to hinder or help you on your journey.  This kind of game is very interesting and interactive as the player.  Why you ask?  Well according to this article, there are many sub genres of a role playing game such as video games, table top ( such as dungeons and dragons) and so on.  It is a very extensive area and so as a developer, you can allow your audience access so much more in you’re game.  They are proven to be one of the most social games so it will teach younger users how to socialise in a fun way.

This article explains what a first person shooting game is.  As our game is shooting based this is important. wrote this article in 2019 to explain what exactly entails a shooting game.
According to this article, a first person shooting game is a shooting game played in the point of view of the protagonist of the game.  As our players will be the protagonist of the story and lead the journey this definitely is needed in order to explain our game.  You will never see the characters face as it will be like you are playing the game.  You will see their arms and legs and the world instead.  According to this article the player will sing from left to right slightly in order to mimic a real person.  This type of game play is more intimate for the person playing the game.

This article by written in 2015 byPatrick Allan. He explains how a role playing first person game have many benefits.  This is important in order for our game to be the most use to a user as possible. 
They make the user feel more involved in the game.  The user can create their own destiny in the game and have more creativity.  There is a move storytelling feel about these types of games. 

This article tells us how shooting games can be beneficial.  Not only are these games more fun for a user but they are also psychologically beneficial according to this article written by Samit Sarkar in 2013.  He explains this theory in more detail.  He explains that hand eye co ordination imporves in users and faster cognitions thinking.  How? As the user has to keep constant focus, understanding of the game and has to learn to act fast, there is no wonder!  We thought a rpg shooting game would work in terms of storytelling but now its even better.  Our whole plan was to teach people about the 1916 rising, now we can teach them valuable skills they can use in all aspects of life.

Finally, this article by digital commons written in 2011 explains the benefits of a history based game.  This will prove why a rpg first person genre for our game will be best.  It explains that the educational benefits are great.  You can learn so much from a game as it is visually striking and can test your knowledge.  You can play a game set in a time in history ( for example the 1916 rising like our own) and learn so so much more then you ever thought! Thats why a rpg first person game is best as our genre.  The user will always have a chance to understand the world of the 1916 rising first hand. 

Thanks for reading!!!!!

Sunday, 3 February 2019

Multimedia Project Research

url-link to pic source

Hi everyone!

Welcome back to my blog!

This semester we will continue on our previous blogs but with a twist! We are making new projects! 

This semester I will be joining other people in the class to do a 1916 rising project. Our project is a 
RPG game set in the 1916 rising. It will be educational and allow you go to major 1916 rising buildings as a soldier or character that would be present back then. You learn about the 1916 rising as you go along.

There are many team members who will also have roles such as:
Leaders Chris: Project Manager - Creates reasonable and achievable goals for all team members. - Keeps in contact with each team-leader to maintain communication and make sure there is no confusion. - Contributes with Conor for the GDA to make sure the game is not obscured or changed. James: Designer - Keeps in contact with each team-leader. - Contributes to final decisions from team-leaders with Chris. - Collaborates with Chris and has the 2nd voice for all decisions made by Project Manager. - Creates grading system and keeps up with the workload and Marks team-members depending on their work done. Writers Ellen: Lead Writer - Always keeps in contact with James & Chris. - Refers to GDA to create a compelling and interesting story surrounding the 1916 rising. - Using historical research gathered by Niamh. Stay on topic and use locations, names and Stories that are historically correct. Niamh: Researcher - Assists Ellen on punctuation and story writing. - Keeps in contact with Ellen regarding the story and plot of the game. - Gathers evidence regarding the 1916 rising. Who was involved, what characters should they be and based on what facts? Nathan: GDA Creator Siobhan Lee: GDA Creator - Work with the writers and Chris to create a GDA to help out the rest of the teams. - Work with Ellen to find out the main story, names, characters etc. - Use the GDA online we used with shaun in semester Programmers Aidan: Lead Programmer - Always keeps in contact with James & Chris. - Creates achievable goals for the Junior Programmers. - Has the final say in programming sector. James & Chris will help with programming Music Team Eoin: Sound Effects - Create Authentic sounds for the game i.e Footsteps, breathing, voices etc. - Create Ambient sounds such as wind. Use different records and make it as realistic as possible. Trevor: Composer - Aid Eoin in all thing's music and sound. - Create ambient sounds and music related to the 1916 era and time. Study different music that was popular at that time and use it to create a Composition that can be used throughout the game Game Testers Shane: Game Tester - Always keeps in contact with James & Chris. - At the end of the week they will create a document using a template to say whats good, what’s bad and what needs to be changed. This way you’re not just testing the game and getting an easy mark. - Communicates with Everyone discussing what he thinks works and doesn’t work. Adam: Game Tester - Always keeps in contact with James & Chris. - At the end of the week they will create a document using a template to say whats good, what’s bad and what needs to be changed. This way you’re not just testing the game and getting an easy mark. - Communicates with Everyone discussing what he thinks works and doesn’t work. Art Team Leah Byrne: Lead Artist - Always keeps in contact with James & Chris. - Designs the 3D World using their own Assets & Designs or finding assets in the unity store. - In charge of everything regarding the artwork for the game. Conor Brennan: Graphic Designer - Always keeps in contact with James & Chris. - Work alongside the art team for criticism and oppinions. - Create Loading screens, Graphics for promotion such as Logo, Banners etc. - Be prepared to help out on creating textures and assets. Isabel: Asset Management - Always keeps in contact with James & Chris. - Communicating with Conor, Leah and Chloe. Find assets on the unity store that would benefit in world creation and mechanics of the game. - Take notes of every asset we use and may use in the future for easy finding among the teams. Chloe: Character Creator - Create Characters and NPC suitable for the Game - Use assets where necessary or create your own textures - Create multiple characters with distinct features i.e. Clothes, Models, Gender Daniel: Level Editor - Collaborate with Game testers to find mistakes in the level and make sure that it works properly - Make edits to the levels and world WITH PERMISSION FROM LEAH. And fix mistakes made by other artists. - Essentially your job is to make sure the level is playable and okay to use and fix any issue that may come to arise Media Team Ian: Media Management - Document the entirety of the process of game building - Work with each department separately, gathering information and footage - Create a “Behind 19Sixteen” video. David: Media Assistant - Collaborate with Ian to help out with gathering footage and editing videos. - Help out Ian in creating a suitable video to promote the game and highlight the idea of the game.

My role is the lead writer. I am to
- Always keeps in contact with James & Chris the project leaders. - Refer to GDA to create a compelling and interesting story surrounding the 1916 rising. - Using historical research gathered by Niamh I need to stay on topic and use locations, names and stories that are historically correct.

Inspiration links:




Talk soon!

Last post-Favourite game

Hello all! This is my last blog!!  I loved everyones projects and there was a lot of work done by all. There were...