Friday, 14 December 2018


Hello all!

This is the final week of my game! Its finally finished!

I am proud of myself as I have never done anything like this before. However, there are still a few bits I would like to fix. It is no where near as interactive as I would like it as I wanted the questions to be able to be answered and posed into a storage back pack. This just was impossible with the lack of knowledge I have currently. I accept that but and disappointed as the game looks so boring compared to what I wanted.

Now the positives! These are more important. Im okay (kind of) with the game not being 100% perfect as there is always room to learn after feedback. I now understand the codes and if errors appear I mostly know how to fix them! I don't spend hours and hours trying to sort a problem anymore I know the basics inside out and can only get more advanced at game making now. I think as college is a learning curve. I am proud of myself and hopefully I get a good grade.

Thanks for reading all my blogs!!!!!!

Sunday, 9 December 2018

Game Testing-MyGmae

My game in screen shots showing all 4 levels and the opening screen

Hello! This week I tested out my working game. It is so basic compared to what I wanted but in all fairness, I have NEVER done any type of game design before. This process has made me feel more comfortable at coding and to be honest I really enjoyed it!

There are a few bugs I have yet to fix but these are 100% doable for next week . Therefore, I think I can submit quite a cool game design! My game will be complete ( not very interesting compared to what I want it to be but I am still proud!)

Keep an eye out for next week when I will put up a screen recording of my working game I have been blogging about all these weeks.

Till then!!! See you soon!

Tuesday, 4 December 2018

Game Testing

Hello !

This week we are reviewing articles on how criticism ad testing can make us better designers.

Link 1: This book explains on how to give users a non digital basic version of your game first. This will one ensure they are not bogged down in the specifics. But mostly, it will make you now if your basic concept works or not.

Link 2: The article here explains how criticism is really good , however theres a way to do it. You cant offend some one or say something is crap and give no reason why or advice on how the can fix this. You need to tell them reasons and how to fix. e.g. A game seems boring, you need to explain how this will affect their audience and how they can fix this.

Link 3: I found this article about how to ask for criticism. Just like before this article explains that good criticism can allow you to figure out whats good or bad. But you need to know how to ask for it. Never ask opinions. Instead, pick out bits you are worried about so people can focus on these. This way you won't have your idea destroyed, you will have it fixed.

Thanks for reading!

Sunday, 2 December 2018


Pic of the first completed level

Hello everyone!

This post is all about my alpha game!

Its working perfectly ! You go along learn and answer a question at the end!

One thing is ive many errors I will need them fixed as if you press play it won't work.

Other then this my game is up and ready for testing!

I would prefer the writing to be on a sign but I couldn't figure out how to do this sadly. Maybe for the beta version I can fix this.

I found this work interesting. It was grand to do but even with following videos I would get errors (52 at one point!?!?) This is extremely frustrating as I have to read back and find I misspelled a word. It is satisfying however when things do work! I enjoy the whole process. Its interesting to see how code works in c# and the fact I made my own game! (even if its not perfect)

All my errors are gone now however, I will need to make my questions more legible and pop in clickable answers for the interactive feel I want in my game.

Till next time!!

Last post-Favourite game

Hello all! This is my last blog!!  I loved everyones projects and there was a lot of work done by all. There were...